Batch Update Sub-tab (Resource Manager)

Use Batch Update to update one or more fields for a group of resource items using a Resource List, barcode list, or barcode file.

Important: This process cannot be reversed. Before proceeding, make sure you have a current backup of your database.

Update a Batch of Items

  1. Select Catalog > Update Resources > Batch Update sub-tab.
    Batch Update sub-tab.
  2. In the Change section, use the checkboxes to select an item field. For details of each item field, click here. Select or type information accordingly in the associated drop-down or field. Repeat as needed.
  3. To add a note, type it in the Add historical note field. Historical notes are added to the item’s permanent Transaction History.
  4. To continue, click Right arrow..

Forhelp on the Update Resources > Step 2 page, see Create a list of items to update.