Manage Hold and ILL Requests

The View Requests page lets you view and manage holds, reserves, interlibrary loans (ILL), and district media requests placed by you or your patrons.

Note: Hold and interlibrary loan options depend on your site and district settings.

View Hold and ILL Request Reports

You can access the View Requests page in the following ways:

  • Reports > Library Reports > Holds or InterLibrary Loans

    Note: The Holds and InterLibrary Loans reports take you to the same page, with different options selected.

  • Circulation > Holds/ILL > View Requests
  • If you have requests that require action, you can also access this page by clicking Processing Needed at the top of any page, and then next to Hold/ILL Requests to process, click View.

Requests Organization

The page is grouped into the following sections:

  • Unapproved Requests
    • Unapproved hold requests made by your patrons for copies unavailable at your library, but available at other libraries.
    • Unapproved reserve requests made by your patrons, whether for your materials or for those in other libraries.
  • Local Requests
    • Local Materials to be Pulled
    • Local Materials Ready for Patron
    • Local Materials Expired
    • Local Materials Pending
  • ILL Requests
    • To be filled by <this library> (requests made by patrons of other libraries)
    • To be filled by other sites (requests made by your patrons for materials belonging to other libraries)
  • Media Requests

Use the Customize View section to select information to see.

Request Details

Every requested title has a hold queue that lists all the patrons waiting to receive a copy of that title. Destiny uses the patron's priority and the date the request was made to determine the patron's position in the queue.

View Ready Holds

Once a copy of a requested title becomes available, you can check it out to the patron. Use the following steps to fulfill a hold request for a patron at your school:

  1. Select Circulation > Holds/ILL > View Requests.
  2. Find any available holds and reserves in the Local Requests section.
    Local Requests section of View Requests page.
  3. Once you pull the physical copy and place it on your hold shelf, click Pull Copy. The title moves from the Local Materials to be Pulled section of the page to Local Materials Ready for Patron.
  4. Check the available copy out to the patron.

The hold is deleted from your Requests list once it is checked out to the patron.


  • If items in your catalog are set up as part of a group of related titles, any copy of a title in a group can fulfill a hold placed on another title in that group. This functionality is not visible to the patron. Destiny considers all copies of all titles in a Related Titles group to be equal candidates for fulfilling a hold request placed on any one of the titles in the group. Related Titles information appears on the Title Details page if the title is in a group.
  • The Call Number, Sublocation, Patron, and Homeroom columns, in the Local Materials to be Pulled and Local Materials Ready for Patron sections, have sorting functionality.
  • The default sort order in these columns is ascending alphabetical.

Delete Requests

You can either approve or delete unapproved requests. To delete a request, click Delete.

Approve a Request

  1. Select Circulation > Holds/ILL > View Requests.
  2. In the Status column, click the Unapproved link.
  3. On the new page, click Approve.
    Approve Hold Request page.

An approved local request moves to Local Materials Pending until its ready-reserve date, when it moves to Local Materials to be Pulled. Once picked, it moves to Local Materials Ready for Patron.

An approved ILL request is sent to the library owning the copy for fulfillment. On your Requests list, it moves to the To be filled by other sites section.

Decline an ILL Request (With a Note)

  1. Select Circulation > Holds/ILL > View Requests, or click Processing Needed icon..
  2. Find the ILL request, and click Decline.
  3. In the message box that appears, enter an explanation as to why it was declined.
  4. Click Yes. The explanation appears as a note in the Requests list of the requesting library.

Print Packing List   

Packing lists can be printed for each pending request listed in the To be filled by <local school name> section and for Ready requests.

Packing lists let staff at the requesting library identify which patrons requested each ILL.

To print a packing list for an ILL:

  1. Select Circulation > Holds/ILL > View Requests.
  2. In the To be filled by <local school name> section, find the ILL request you want, and then click Packing List. The Job Manager opens.
  3. When the packing list is done running, click View.
  4. Place the printed packing list with the item to be sent to the requesting library.

Local Materials to Be Pulled

These are either holds that:

  • Have been placed by your patrons on copies that are currently Available and are probably shelved
  • Have reached their ready-reserve date

They appear on your pick list. You can pull the copy for the patron, or edit or delete these requests.

To pull a copy for a hold: 

  1. Select Circulation > Holds/ILL > View Requests, or click Processing Needed icon..
  2. Pull the physical copy from your shelves.
  3. In the Local Materials to be Pulled section, find the request you want, and then click Pull Copy.

    View Requests page Local Materials to be Pulled section

  1. A confirmation message appears. If the barcode is correct, click OK. Otherwise, to change a copy's barcode from the one assigned by Destiny to one that is pulled from the shelf, enter the Barcode field to match the pulled copy, and then click OK.

    Warning pop-up with book title and barcode number highlighted

    Note: If you attempt to enter a barcode number from a copy that is not available, a warning message appears: The barcode entered was not found on an available copy of this title at this site.

    The status changes to Ready, and the hold moves to the Local Materials Ready for Patron section.

Local Materials Ready for Patron

These are copies that:

  • Satisfied requests when they were checked in and were placed on the Hold shelf.
  • Were pulled or picked from the Local Materials to be Pulled section.
  • The staff placed for patrons on available copies.

Items remain on this list until checked out by the requesting patron or the expiration date.

Local Materials Expired

These are local requests for materials that are past their expiration date. An expired request cannot become Pending or Ready automatically.

  • To make an expired hold pending again, change the expiration date in its hold queue.
  • You cannot make an expired reserve active.
  • To automatically delete expired holds after a certain number of days, enter the number of days in Automatically delete expired holds after ## calendar days at Admin > Site Configuration > Circulation sub-tab.

Local Materials Pending

These are holds that:

  • Cannot be satisfied until copies become available through checkin, import, cataloging, or inventory.
  • Have not yet reached their reserved date.

Delete Pending ILL Requests  

If you are at the requesting school, you can delete a pending ILL request for a patron.

  1. Select Circulation > Holds/ILL > View Requests.
  2. Find the pending ILL you want to delete, and then clickDelete icon. . A confirmation appears.
  3. Click Yes.

Media Requests(Destiny Media Managerâ„¢)

This section lists the booking requests made by you or your patrons for instructional materials owned by district media centers.

  • To change the date range for the request, click Edit.
  • To delete the request, click Delete.

If Declined appears under Status and is a hyperlink, click the link to view the reason provided by the district media specialist.

Follett Media Requests (Destiny Media Manager)

This section lists the pending requests made by you or your patrons for eBooks from district media centers.

  • To delete the request, click Delete.
  • To view the patron's Patron Status page, click View icon next to the patron's name.

When the begin date arrives, Destiny removes the booking from your Requests list. Destiny also moves the request from the patron's Holds section to the Items Out section of their Patron Status and My Info pages. The title becomes a link to download the eBook.