Rebuild Keywords

If search results are not as you expect, you might need to rebuild one or more of the keyword indexes.

Example: An Author search for "Rhodes" produces no search results, even though you know that your database contains titles by Rhodes.

Important: Contact Follett Technical Support before rebuilding the keyword indexes.

Keyword rebuilding may take a long time. Even though this process defaults to running in the background, it may increase response times for Destiny users.

Note: Only the Destiny Administrator can rebuild keywords.

About Rebuilding Keyword Indexes

Any change you make requires rebuilding one or both keyword indexes. You can begin the rebuilding immediately after changing one or both lists, or run it later. The Catalog index is much larger than the Patron index, and takes longer to rebuild.
Note the following differences in functionality:

  • Clicking Yes on the confirmation message on the Catalog sub-tab rebuilds both the Catalog and Patron keyword indexes.
  • Clicking Yes on the confirmation message on the Patrons sub-tab rebuilds only the Patron keyword index.
  • Clicking Rebuild Keywords at the bottom of the statistics page rebuilds both the Catalog and Patron keyword indexes.

To rebuild keywords:

  1. As the Destiny Administrator, stop the Destiny Service.
  2. From the \FSC-Destiny\fsc\districtResources directory, move the \indexes directory to a temporary folder on the drive.

    Note: This serves as a backup of the current indexes that you could restore if a server event (for example, a power outage) occurs while the keywords are being rebuilt.

  3. Re-start the Destiny Service.
  4. From a command prompt, change to the \FSC-Destiny\fsc\bin directory.
  5. Run the command; see command syntax below.
  6. When the utility has finished, retry a search. If you do not receive the expected results, contact Follett Technical Support.
  7. After confirming that the keywords are correctly indexed, delete the backup copy of the \indexes folder created in step 2.

Command Syntax

For a district

RebuildKeywords DestinyAdmin DestinyAdminPassword runMode option

For a consortium

RebuildKeywords superadminLogin superadminPassword runMode option contextName


RebuildKeywords -superadminLogin=<value> -superadminPassword=<value> -runMode=<value> -option=<value> -contextName=<value>


Parameter Name Required Description



The name of the superadmin SQL user account (Consortium only)
The name of the Destiny Administrator (District)



The password for the superadmin SQL user account (Consortium only)
The password for the Destiny Administrator (District)



Can be one of the following: FOREGROUND or BACKGROUND (default).



Can be one of the following:
ALL (default)


If blank, all indexes are rebuilt.

The name of the member database (Consortium only)

Rebuilding Indexes Later

Do one of the following:

  • To rebuild just the Patron keyword index, open the Patron sub-tab of the District Stop Words page, click Save again, and then click Yes on the confirmation message.
  • To rebuild both indexes, do either of the following:
    • Open the Catalog sub-tab of the District Stop Words page, click Save again, and then click Yes on the confirmation message.
    • Click Follett School Solutions, LLC in the band at the bottom of any page, and then click Show Details. At the bottom of the statistics page, click Rebuild Keywords.
Note: To rebuild the indexes quickly, run it as a foreground process.