Export Resources

Export Resources lets you make copies of some or all of the records in your database. You can share those records with another school, and delete any outdated records.

Important: If a district has any Destiny Textbook Manager installations, all textbook-related features are hidden in Resource Manager.

To export your resources:

Note: In Resource Manager, you can only access the resources you have permission to view. For details, see Resource Groups.

  1. Select Catalog > Export Resources.

    Notes: If you are a Destiny Administrator, choose a site before navigating to the Export Resources page.

  2. If you are logged in at the district, use the From drop-down to choose the district or a particular site.


    • If you select the district, the export file includes the resource records and all their item records for the resource types selected.

    • If you select a site, it includes only item records owned by that site. The export does not include In Transit (to the site) or On Order (for the site) items.

  3. To limit the export to certain resource types, click Update to select them.
  4. If you want to delete the records when the export is complete, select the Delete resources after export checkbox.
    Important: Use caution with this option. If you are exporting your records to send to Follett School Solutions, LLC for enhancement and re-import, do not choose to delete them.


    Destiny does not delete:

    • Resource records that are shared with other sites in your district. They are, however, removed from your collection.

    • Items with a status of Checked Out, In Transit or On Order.

    • Licenses currently assigned to an item.

  5. When you are done making your selections, click Export.

Destiny creates a job summary, which shows the number of resource records exported and, optionally, the number deleted. It also includes a link to download the export file.

The export file is in .xml format.

Note: Make sure the entire export file opens before you save it. Otherwise, you might only save a partial export file. Check your browser's status bar to determine whether the entire file has opened.