Additional Patron Email Addresses

Destiny supports a total of five email addresses per patron record.

You can customize the name of each email address field locally at an individual school, or push it from the district level to provide easier maintenance for several school locations.

The email address fields are also supported in:

Customize Email Address Field Names at a Site

  1. Log in to a school.
  2. Select Admin > Site Configuration > Circulation sub-tab.
  1. Scroll down to the Customize Email Address Field Names section, and in any of the email fields, enter your custom name.
  2. Click Save.

Customize Email Address Field Names at the District

  1. Log in as a Destiny Administrator.
  2. Select Setup > District Options.
  3. Next to Site Configuration settings, click Edit.
  4. On the Site Configurations page, click the Circulation sub-tab.
  5. Next to Patron Display, click Edit icon..
  6. In any of the email fields, enter your custom name.
  7. Do either of the following: 
    If you want to...Then...

    Only apply your settings to new sites

    Click Save.

    Apply your settings to existing school locations in the district

    1. Use the *Apply these settings at drop-down to select the school locations.
    2. Click Push.

      Note: A message warns you that this process cannot be reversed.

    3. Click Yes.