Spine and Pocket Labels

You can create and print spine labels – whether an individual replacement label or for copies recently added. Choose to create them based on copies in Resource List, copy category, barcode list, barcode range, or when the copies were added.

  1. Select Reports > Library Reports.
  2. Under Labels, click Spine/Pocket Labels.
    Create Spine/Pockets Labels details page
  3. If you are running the report at the district, select either the district or a single site from the For drop-down.
    Note: You can choose to Group by Site at the district. You cannot choose Barcode List or Barcode Range from the Based on drop-down.
  4. From the Sort by drop-down, select either Call Number or Date / Time Copies Added.
  5. From the Based on drop-down, select what information will be used to create the spine labels report:
    • List or Copy Category: Select the appropriate list.
    • Barcode List: Scan your barcodes directly into Destiny to create a new list or choose a previously created list.
    • Barcode Range: Enter the starting and ending barcode numbers in the fields. Only labels for barcode numbers that are in use are printed; it skips any that are unused.
      • Leave both boxes blank to include all the barcode numbers in use in the defined barcode symbology.
      • Leave the first box blank and enter a number in the second box, the printing includes labels for all used barcode numbers up to and including the number in the second box.
      • Enter a number in the first box and leave the second box blank, the printing includes labels for that number and all those after it.
    • Date / Time Copies Added: Enter beginning and ending dates to have all copies added during that timeframe. Adding the time is optional.
  6. Use the Output Options to publish the report as Export to Excel® or Use label stock.
  7. Use the Label Stock drop-down to select one of the preloaded spine or pocket label stocks.


    • For three of the label stocks – Demco 5 by 11, Demco 8 by 6 and University 8 by 6 – you can print either horizontally (landscape) or vertically (portrait).
    • Stock from other vendors may not work as well. Make sure to print a test page on plain paper, and adjust the offsets as needed.
  8. With Destiny, you can continue using previously-used label sheets so you don’t waste any of your labels. To determine the Start on label, count from the top left and move across the page, counting each label space. Once you reach the end of the row, drop down to the next line, again starting on the left and moving to the right.
  9. If your page needs to be moved left or right (horizontal) or up or down (vertical), enter the appropriate setting in Printer offset.
    Note: Offsets needed for each label stock vary from printer to printer, and some printers don't allow offsets. Any offsets you define for labels are in addition to the unprintable area defined in your printer's properties.
      • Vertical: Use the Vertical printer offset to move the printing up or down. Each number is equal to 1/10th of a millimeter. To see a difference, change the existing number by at least 10. A smaller number shifts the printing upwards. A larger number shifts the printing down. Make sure the number you enter is within the allowable range for your stock.

      • Horizontal: Use the Horizontal printer offset to move the printing left or right. Each number is equal to 1/10th of a millimeter. To see a difference, change the existing number by at least 10. A smaller number shifts the printing to the left. A larger number shifts the printing to the right. Make sure the number you enter is within the allowable range for your stock.

    Note: Because printers vary, there is no absolute value for the printer offsets that always works for any given label stock. It is usually necessary to print a few test pages on plain paper to gauge the results, adjusting the offsets each time.

  10. Use the Call number font size drop-down to select the font size.

    Note: The larger the font, the larger the spine label.

  11. To start a new line at every space, select the Spine Labels Start a new line at every space checkbox.

    Note: If you do not select this checkbox, your spine labels will be printed on one horizontal line instead of one on top of the other.

  12. Click Run Report.
  13. Report Manager opens. When the status changes to Completed, click View.
  14. Using your Adobe Reader print options, select the printer of choice, place label stock in the printer, and deselect the Fit to page checkbox.

Label content

The spine labels contain the copy's call number and any volume or issue descriptions and numbers, and any copy number included in the copy record.

If the call number is longer than the label width allows, Destiny breaks the number at the first space, or at a decimal point. For the best labels, make sure you purchase the label stock that accommodates your call number size.

The circulation and pocket labels contain the call number, author, and title.

Print order

The labels print in call number order.

Printer pop-up showing the Fit To Page checkbox deselected