Manage Fines

Destiny Library Manager's fine management features make it easy to automatically assess, collect, and refund fines. Plus, you can manually adjust fines as needed.

Overdue Fines

You can use Library Manager to automatically assess overdue fines during checkin. After you check in an overdue item, a message confirms the fine amount charged to the patron.

Pop-up message when overdue item is checked in.

Important: The ability to manage fines is dependent on the permissions assigned to you.

Managing fines in Destiny includes several tasks, such as adding, deleting and paying fines.

Product-related Details for Fines

  • Library ManagerDestiny calculates overdue fine amounts based on patron and circulation types.
  • Resource Manager/Textbook Manager: The fine amount for lost textbooks or resources is the replacement price or, if there is no replacement price in the title or resource record, the purchase price of the copy or item. For overdue copies, the check-in staff enters the amount; this is dependent on the selections made in Site Configuration ( Admin > Site Configuration > Circulation).

Work with Fines

Follett recommends searching by barcode to ensure you find the correct patron.

  1. Select Circulation > Fines.
  2. To complete the task for active patrons, select the Only Active Patrons checkbox.
  3. In the Find Patron field, type a patron name or barcode, and then click Go.
  4. Select the patron you want.
  5. To add a fine, click Add Fine. See Add and edit fines.


If the replacement price in the description record is missing, the Purchase Price from the copy record is used as the fine amount. If neither price is in the record, no fine is charged.

When a copy is marked Lost in Circulation > Copy Status or Item Status, the following message appears:

  • The copy will be marked as lost.
  • <patron name (barcode number)> will be charged a fine of <amount>.

If you deselect the Automatically create fine for lost... checkbox, the following message appears instead:

  • The copy will be marked as lost.

In addition, the following actions create fines for checked-out copies:

  • Marking an Unaccounted-for copy Lost in Inventory.
  • Finalizing an inventory and selecting Mark lost in the message.
  • Selecting the Overdue To Lost checkbox in Textbook Policies for textbooks. The nightly process marks any copies Lost.

You can always manually assess fines in Circulation > Fines.

For more on fines, see Reports & Fines (Library Manager) in Follett Community.