Enable Baker & Taylor Axis 360 Integration
You can integrate Destiny with Baker & Taylor's Axis 360.
Before You Begin
If your district is self-hosted, before you integrate Destiny with Baker & Taylor, your Destiny Administrator must register the Destiny server as Production. See Server Identity.
Important: If the server is set up as a Test server, the Baker & Taylor Axis 360 Integration checkbox is inaccessible.
When requesting the integration, print the report that provides the information you need to share with Baker & Taylor (by clicking Run Report).
Verify the Server Is Set as a Production Server
To enable the Baker & Taylor integration:
- Complete the requirements in the Before You Begin section.
- Log in as the Destiny Administrator.
- Select Setup > Sites sub-tab.
- Find the district, and then click
- Find the Baker & Taylor Integration section.
- Use the following table to complete your task:
To… Then… Integrate Baker & Taylor - Select the Enable Axis 360 Integration checkbox.
- Read the agreement. Typically, you have read the agreement as part of the standard Destiny License agreement. To view the agreement, click Follett School Solutions, LLC at the bottom of any page in Destiny.
- To sign the agreement, enter your Name and then click Sign.
- Click Save.
Note: To discontinue the Baker & Taylor integration, deselect the Enable Axis 360 Integration checkbox. A message appears. Select the method of identifying Axis 360 users If patron accounts for Axis 360 already exist: Use the Axis 360 ID drop-down to select the method by which Axis 360 users, who are attempting to open a book, are identified and authorized by Baker & Taylor.
Test that the integration was successful - Click Test Connection.
If the integration is unsuccessful, either go to https://bakerandtaylor.tfaforms.net/56 and complete a support form, or call 800.775.3700 (option 2).